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أكاديمية سبيلي Sabeeli Academy
How Umar Rao, an Ex-Hindu, Converted to Islam

How Umar Rao, an Ex-Hindu, Converted to Islam

Shirk (Polytheism) is the only sin which will never be forgiven. Who has seen Allah Almighty to ...

Vijay Kumar Jain’s Journey to Islam

Vijay Kumar Jain’s Journey to Islam

The Monks of Digambara (or sky-clad) do not wear any clothe while the female priests of the Dig ...

A Former Hindu as a Preacher of Islam

A Former Hindu as a Preacher of Islam

A Hindu brother accepted Islam and invites Hindu brothers and sisters to accept Islam, the true ...

A Jain Professor Accepted Islam

A Jain Professor Accepted Islam

The new Muslims must show determination, courage and bravery to confront hatred, criticism, ins ...

Jain Husband and Wife Accepted Islam

Jain Husband and Wife Accepted Islam

According to her: the Jain Gurus turn into gods and people take them as gods and worship them a ...

A Hindu Expat accepted Islam

A Hindu Expat accepted Islam

The concept of monotheism in Islam and its ethical principles impressed him and attracted him t ...

Obstacles for Hindu reverts to Islam in India

Obstacles for Hindu reverts to Islam in India

We were at the district collocterate, then we were transformed by police from police station to ...

A Hindu Brother Became Sa`ad

A Hindu Brother Became Sa`ad

Human beings are beaten and trampled mercilessly on the ground by some Hindus who have been bra ...