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أكاديمية سبيلي Sabeeli Academy
A Hindu Speaker talks on the Philosophy of Divorce in Islam

A Hindu Speaker talks on the Philosophy of Divorce in Islam

The law system of every country has the right of divorce. The option of divorce represents huma ...

Why Is Divorce Allowed in Islam?

Why Is Divorce Allowed in Islam?

Divorce is a good option and valuable cure if it is used in its proper place and due need but i ...

Marriage: Guidance and Rulings

Marriage: Guidance and Rulings

Marriage in Islam offers tranquility to the soul and peace to the mind, so that man and woman m ...

What is Marriage in Islam?

What is Marriage in Islam?

Islamic marriage refers to all marriages that have been contracted between a Muslim male and Mu ...

Sexuality in Islam and Hinduism (2/4)

Sexuality in Islam and Hinduism (2/4)

Originally posted 2020-07-09 19:24:06. By Editorial Staff Permissible Sex: Worthy of Reward in ...

Marriage in Islam and Hinduism (1/2)

Marriage in Islam and Hinduism (1/2)

Islam comprises teachings and injections for honoring the woman as a daughter, mother, wife, si ...

Marriage in Islam and Hinduism (2/2)

Marriage in Islam and Hinduism (2/2)

It is worth to mention here some hymns that are chanted at the time of marriage contract, which ...

Marriage by Abduction (Rakshasa Vivaha) in Hinduism

Marriage by Abduction (Rakshasa Vivaha) in Hinduism

Islamic culture has left a significant impact on Indian culture and it reformed many Hindu reli ...

Sexuality in Islam and Hinduism (4/4)

Sexuality in Islam and Hinduism (4/4)

in Hinduism, women in the case of menstruation are considered unclean and everything that is to ...

Sexuality in Islam and Hinduism (3/4)

Sexuality in Islam and Hinduism (3/4)

Originally posted 2020-07-09 19:22:42. Definition of adultery in Hinduism  In the part 1st and ...

Intermarriage between Muslim and Hindu

Intermarriage between Muslim and Hindu

This article compares the subject of intermarriage in Hinduism and Islam in the light of Qur’an ...