Originally posted 2020-07-09 19:21:57.
By Editorial Staff

Ganges is one of the most sacred rivers in India for Hindus.
For Hindus, Gaye is Mata (or cow is mother) and for them, Geeta is Mata (the Holy scripture Geeta is mother). Yes, for them, Ganges is Mata or mother! Abundant money is spent on Ganges.
One of the ministers; Oma Bharti is trying her best to get Ganges purified and clean, but the question is why not other rivers? Why other rivers should not be purified? Isn’t the water of other rivers used in drinking?
They are also used in drinking, yes; they are drunk and used after purification. Every river is important. But why is Ganges only Mata (mother) not other rivers?
Ganges is mother but there is no father. Is there any father? Cow is Mata (mother) but there is no father. They have no father at all, Indians have their mother of country but there is no father of country.
These are all confused and mixed philosophies. We have to understand and realize their tricks and deceptions. Every mother’s scale and standard are the same.
In the scale of every mother, the weight of its each son and daughter is equal. But there is no equality when we come to Gages Mata. When Ganga Mata is flooded it destroys villages after villages and crops after crops, what will you say if Ganges is Mata or Ganges is a killer and curse?
After all this, Ganges is Mata (mother). Why do you describe it as Mata (or mother)? Why do you say Ganges is Mata (or mother)? If anyone of you visit Haridwar, and I am coming from Haridwar, the place of gods! The water of Ganges is very pure for the people! The Ganges appears beautiful to the people who are far and away. Yes, it appears to them beautiful, they think that the water of Ganges very pure and full of blessings but it is not.
Friends, if there was any blessing in the water of Ganges, then why the crops are worst wherever the Ganges’s water passes by. Please study and you will find the reality clear.
Panjab and Haryana do not have Ganges’s water and they have the best crops. Why Ganges is Mata or mother? Do you know? Because, through the worship of Ganges, the pockets of Brahmins are filled with money, that is why, Ganges is mata (mother). They can adopt anything as Mata (mother) and Pita (father) even they can adopt the donkey as a father for their interests. So, please, be always aware, my friends.