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أكاديمية سبيلي Sabeeli Academy

A Hindu Acharya Praises Prophet Muhammad

Originally posted 2020-07-09 19:24:41.

India’s name and fame come from its peaceful diversity.

An accurate English translation by the Editorial Staff

It is worth thinking that once a person began talking to me and said: Acharya Pramod Krishnan, you are a foolish person, you pretend to be wise but you are not. When the fighting for independence began, at that time our party (BJP) did not exist.

Our party did not exist then what is wrong with us?

In this blessed gathering, I would like to present to you all (some of my Urdu poems) and I am reciting them in the praise of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

The poem: “He is the life of my heart, and he is the light of my sight.” “He is the life of my heart, and he is the light of my sight.”

Please, pray for me, and encourage me wholeheartedly. “Surely, he is the life of my heart, and he is the light of my sight.” “And he is the helper of those who are helpless, because, he is the beloved of Allah the Almighty.” “Indeed, he is the helper of those who are helpless, because, he is the beloved of Allah the Almighty.”

“Do not think that he (the Prophet Muhammad) is only of you, and do not divide. The Prophet is mine on the same level as the Prophet is yours.”

Claps, and praises………

“Do not think that he is only of you, and do not divide, the Prophet is mine on the same level as the Prophet is yours.”

And for those who claim that Islam is another name of tyranny, Islam is the name of cruelty or Islam was spread on the edge of sword, I would like to tell those blind-minded people: everything that is hard, or everyone who is narrow-minded or who is stone-hearted, never spread rather it always shrinks and declines. The only one who spreads is always open-hearted, and sea-hearted. If Islam was narrow-minded it never spread all over the world.

My friends! According to my experience, Islam means to give water to the thirsty, Islam means to feed bread the hungry, Islam means to guide the blind, Islam means to hug a poor, Islam means love, Islam means to serve.

The poem:

“You have taught everyone the lesson of love.” My friends! Who used to visit the house of those enemies who threw trash and dust on his head and prayed for them? How can a person say that Islam is equal to hatred? “Surely, you have taught everyone the lesson of love.” “You have spread the religion over the world introducing a sacred way of life.”

And now, I would like to say after your permission. Before I leave I would like to instill your love in my heart leaving my love in your hearts. I have to leave but I will recite. “You have spread the religion over the world, and brought a sacred way of life.” “You are the sea, you are the boat, and you are the boater, O the messenger of Allah! O the messenger of Allah! O the messenger of Allah!”

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