A Hindu Writes the Life of the Prophet Muhammad

Originally posted 2020-07-09 19:22:27. English Translation by Editorial Staff It (Islam) is for ...

Hinduism: One God or Multiple Gods?

Hinduism: One God or Multiple Gods?

Originally posted 2020-07-09 19:22:21. This is a short video that contains an important questio ...

Will a Hindu Enter the Paradise?

If you believe in Islam, there is no reason for not to convert to Islam, because, belief in Isl ...

How Umar Rao, an Ex-Hindu, Converted to Islam

How Umar Rao, an Ex-Hindu, Converted to Islam

Shirk (Polytheism) is the only sin which will never be forgiven. Who has seen Allah Almighty to ...

A Jain Professor Accepted Islam

The new Muslims must show determination, courage and bravery to confront hatred, criticism, ins ...

Jain Husband and Wife Accepted Islam

According to her: the Jain Gurus turn into gods and people take them as gods and worship them a ...

Obstacles for Hindu reverts to Islam in India

We were at the district collocterate, then we were transformed by police from police station to ...

Death of a Hindu Girl Banished for Menstruating

There is no official count of how many women die as a result of Chhaupadi—translated as “untouc ...

Is Ganges Mata or Curse?

Panjab and Haryana do not have Ganges’s water and they have the best crops. Why Ganges is Mata ...

Who is the True Creator in Hinduism and Islam?

Islamic historical and cultural sources say that the Prophet Adam (peace be upon him) was sent ...

A Hindu Brother Became Sa`ad

A Hindu Brother Became Sa`ad

Human beings are beaten and trampled mercilessly on the ground by some Hindus who have been bra ...

Purification in Islam and Hinduism (4/4)

Purification in Islam and Hinduism (4/4)

Hindus regard bleacher or washerman and Dalits and other castes as impure by birth. Their impur ...

Purification in Islam and Hinduism (3/4)

When a person is in the state of invisible impurity, his visible body is still pure and does no ...

Kumar Harijan Accepted Islam

When Kumar was in India, he never imagined that he will become a Muslim one day but now he is s ...

The Triple Instant Talaq (Divorce) in Islam

In fact, the ancient Hindu literature does not have the concept of divorce as well as the Sansk ...