“Do not think that he is only of you, and do not divide, the Prophet is mine on the same level ...
The speaker has argued that Hindu scriptures have many references that prohibit sharing one wif ...
The Hindus used to practice the tradition of circumcision in ancient times. ...
Bhagavata Puran, Askand 12, Adhyay 2, Ashlok 19 mentions the advent and the signs of the Prophe ...
The Qur’an highlights the same two messages of Bhagavad Geeta; the Oneness of Allah the Almight ...
What is the purpose of life? Why are we here? Where are we going? ...
Most of the Hindus imagine Brahma a figure having three faces with white beard with three faces ...
The teachings of the Prophet Muhammad are not for any specific country, nor for any particular ...
The Sanskrit word namah refers to worship, to praise or to devote. Thus, namaz is a modified fo ...
The Qur’an is distinct that it was recorded and writhen down whilst Vedas were only transmitted ...
Furthermore, who killed an innocent; who killed an innocent; who killed an innocent; whether, t ...
How great your prophet is! And how lofty his career is! Why have you failed in conveying his gr ...
Islam is like the rain or rays of the sun or the light of the moon that are common for everyone ...
The speaker has argued that Hindu scriptures have many references that prohibit sharing one wif ...
Originally posted 2020-07-09 19:22:29. Hindu society is characterized by many contradictions in ...