She says that even before her conversion to Islam, she believed in One God in herself. ...
Adam and (Eve) Hawwa the first male and female were created specially by Allah the Almighty fro ...
God does not have any mother or father, no children or any wife. He is Alone, and One. How will ...
I thank Allah the Almighty the Lord of the universe. It is His mercy. Thanks to Allah. ...
“Do not think that he is only of you, and do not divide, the Prophet is mine on the same level ...
The speaker has argued that Hindu scriptures have many references that prohibit sharing one wif ...
The Hindus used to practice the tradition of circumcision in ancient times. ...
Bhagavata Puran, Askand 12, Adhyay 2, Ashlok 19 mentions the advent and the signs of the Prophe ...
The Qur’an highlights the same two messages of Bhagavad Geeta; the Oneness of Allah the Almight ...
In Hinduism, it is generally recognized that most daan is directed towards Brahmins. This is br ...
When the Islamic New Year bears a message of self-assessment for Muslims, it bears a message fo ...
Before the advent of Islam, Arabs chronicled the years through some significant events, such as ...
“My whole family now believes in Allah the Almighty and we try to perform the daily five prayer ...
Islam has been the religion of humanity since the beginning of the human history and will be th ...
What is the difference between the messages of prophets and messengers? Was there any differenc ...