Obstacles for Hindu reverts to Islam in India

We were at the district collocterate, then we were transformed by police from police station to ...

Noble Prize on Fasting as a Cure for Cancer

Noble Prize on Fasting as a Cure for Cancer

He said when we remain hungry for long hours, nutritions in our body begin ceasing. When we rem ...

Is Ganges Mata or Curse?

Panjab and Haryana do not have Ganges’s water and they have the best crops. Why Ganges is Mata ...

Who is the True Creator in Hinduism and Islam?

Islamic historical and cultural sources say that the Prophet Adam (peace be upon him) was sent ...


HIV/AIDS and Preventive Measures in Islam (1/2)

Islam always gives priority to prevention over the treatment, it focuses on the reasons and cau ...

A Hindu Brother Became Sa`ad

A Hindu Brother Became Sa`ad

Human beings are beaten and trampled mercilessly on the ground by some Hindus who have been bra ...

Suryanamaskar in Yoga and Islam

The sun, as "Surya Bhagwan" is a God to the Hindus, and as such is worshiped by them along with ...