Islam triggered a real revolution against injustice and corruption in all areas of human life; ...
In fact, the ancient Hindu literature does not have the concept of divorce as well as the Sansk ...
“It always respects all equally, Islam is the only help for the lowers or untouchables on the g ...
The destiny of the body after death or more specifically the fate of the body of human being af ...
This news unmasks the reality of frequent news about the conversion of some Muslims to Hinduism ...
It is more important for the people of India to fight the poverty, illiteracy, ignorance and ba ...
In recent times, human rights groups have criticized the rise of atmosphere of fear and mistrus ...
What is the Quran? What is it about? What is so special about it? How was it revealed? ...
When Indian people came to know the message of Islam they found its principles and rules a sort ...