What Is the Qur’an?

What is the Quran? What is it about? What is so special about it? How was it revealed? ...

A Picture of Qur'an

Preservation of the Glorious Qur’an

Throughout the centuries, the method of preservation has been twofold: memorization and writing ...

History of the Qur’an and Vedas

The Qur’an is distinct that it was recorded and writhen down whilst Vedas were only transmitted ...

A Muslim Loves Gita and Quran

A Muslim Loves Gita and Quran

Furthermore, who killed an innocent; who killed an innocent; who killed an innocent; whether, t ...

Definition of Revelation

The comparison between both faiths drives us to conclude that the faith of Islam about the reve ...

Al-Masji An-Nabawi

Signs of Muhammad’s Prophethood

The legal and creedal structure of Islam that was brought by the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upo ...

Insulting Religious Sanctity and its Grave Consequences

The Glorious Qur’an forbids insulting gods or deities of other religions as it causes an exchan ...

A Sikh Scholar Talks About Islam

How great your prophet is! And how lofty his career is! Why have you failed in conveying his gr ...

Prophet Muhammad: A Diamond in the Heap of Stones

He had preached against idolatry and the worship of other beings besides Allah, and had denounc ...


The Finality of Prophethood

Originally posted 2020-07-09 19:22:54. By Abul A`ala Al-Mawdudi   The advent of a prophet ...

Call for the Prayer in Islam and Hinduism

This article deals with the subject of Adhaan or announcement for gathering to perform worship ...

Sanatan Dharma and One God

Islam is like the rain or rays of the sun or the light of the moon that are common for everyone ...

A Hindu Inspector Praises Islam

The first human-being; his holiness; Adam (peace be upon him) landed on the earth of India firs ...

An Ex-Hindu Leads about 108,000 Non-Muslims to Islam

An Ex-Hindu Leads about 108,000 Non-Muslims to Islam

This vivid example makes very easy to understand the matchless success of Islamic Da`wah throug ...

Fruits of Hajj (3/3)

The acts of worship have been prescribed for certain goal, which is only attainable through per ...