Hereafter in the Glorious Qur’an

Islam states that a human being comes into this world only once, and after he dies, he is again ...

The Philosophy of Life and Death

The destiny of the body after death or more specifically the fate of the body of human being af ...

Freewill and Destiny in Islam

It is important to understand that Allah has knowledge over all things. Allah knows what will h ...

Predestination and Sufferings of Mankind

Suffering can also be a test and trial for some people. Almighty Allah allows some people to su ...

Predestination and Human Action

We have not seen anybody leaving his worldly benefits because of relying on Predestination, whi ...

Funeral in Islam and Hinduism (1/3)

This article compares the tradition of disposal of dead bodies in different civilizations and r ...

Funeral in Islam and Hinduism (3/3)

This article (Funeral in Islam and Hinduism) compares the tradition of disposal of dead bodies ...

Funeral in Islam and Hinduism (2/3)

The earth has a natural quality to absorb the elements of moisture, mold and stinking of the de ...

Predestination between Islam and Hinduism

The true belief predestination in Islam is to believe in the Eternal and Inclusive Knowledge of ...

Is There any Life after Death? (1/2)

The Hereafter is deeply and intimately related to our everyday life. In fact, our moral attitud ...

The Hereafter in Hinduism

The doctrine of rebirth was not mentioned anywhere in what is considered to be the most authent ...

Hereafter in Islam

Throughout history, all the Prophets of Allah (peace be upon them all) had been calling people ...