A Hindu Acharya Pramod Krishnam Talks on Islam

The good qualities of Islam, I would like to tell you, it is not necessary to mention or count ...

How Did a Hindu Brahmin Sister Accept Islam?

Originally posted 2020-07-09 19:24:28. In this video you are going to watch an interesting inte ...

Find Out How Pratab, a Hindu Youth, Accepted Islam

What is the purpose of life? Why are we here? Where are we going? ...

A Muslim Pundit Talks about Hindu Gods

Most of the Hindus imagine Brahma a figure having three faces with white beard with three faces ...

A Hindu Scholar Admires the Philosophy of Economy in Islam

The teachings of the Prophet Muhammad are not for any specific country, nor for any particular ...

The Quran and Gita: Similar?

The Sanskrit word namah refers to worship, to praise or to devote. Thus, namaz is a modified fo ...

Dharm Yuddh (Holy War) in Hinduism

I receive threats from some Hindus, there were attempts to murder me, it was in Maharashtra, an ...

History of the Qur’an and Vedas

The Qur’an is distinct that it was recorded and writhen down whilst Vedas were only transmitted ...

A Muslim Loves Gita and Quran

A Muslim Loves Gita and Quran

Furthermore, who killed an innocent; who killed an innocent; who killed an innocent; whether, t ...

A Sikh Scholar Talks About Islam

How great your prophet is! And how lofty his career is! Why have you failed in conveying his gr ...

Sanatan Dharma and One God

Islam is like the rain or rays of the sun or the light of the moon that are common for everyone ...

A Hindu Inspector Praises Islam

The first human-being; his holiness; Adam (peace be upon him) landed on the earth of India firs ...

Draupadi and Her Five Husbands in Hindu Myths

Draupadi and Her Five Husbands in Hindu Myths

The speaker has argued that Hindu scriptures have many references that prohibit sharing one wif ...

A Hindu Writes the Life of the Prophet Muhammad

Originally posted 2020-07-09 19:22:27. English Translation by Editorial Staff It (Islam) is for ...

Is Self-defence a Crime? By A Hindu Priest

The verses that I thought inciting for terrorism I found them eliminating the terrorism. ...