Some Philosophical Questions on Hinduism

Why did Dasaratha, the father of Rama, have four wives? What is the justification for his multi ...

Angels in Hinduism

Do Hindus believe in angels? What is the reality of Deva and Devta? Click here to know more abo ...

An Ex-Brahmin as a Dean of the College of Hadith

He was born into a Hindu family and was raised as a practicing, fervent, devoted Hindu. ...

Predestination between Islam and Hinduism

The true belief predestination in Islam is to believe in the Eternal and Inclusive Knowledge of ...

What Is the Qur’an?

What is the Quran? What is it about? What is so special about it? How was it revealed? ...

A Picture of Qur'an

Preservation of the Glorious Qur’an

Throughout the centuries, the method of preservation has been twofold: memorization and writing ...

Definition of Revelation

The comparison between both faiths drives us to conclude that the faith of Islam about the reve ...

An Ex-Hindu Leads about 108,000 Non-Muslims to Islam

An Ex-Hindu Leads about 108,000 Non-Muslims to Islam

This vivid example makes very easy to understand the matchless success of Islamic Da`wah throug ...

How Umar Rao, an Ex-Hindu, Converted to Islam

How Umar Rao, an Ex-Hindu, Converted to Islam

Shirk (Polytheism) is the only sin which will never be forgiven. Who has seen Allah Almighty to ...

The Reality of Muslim’s Conversion to Hinduism in Agra

This news unmasks the reality of frequent news about the conversion of some Muslims to Hinduism ...

Rising Sun: Word of Allah

The Glorious Qur’an: The Word of Allah

What is the Quran? What is it about? What is so special about it? How was it revealed? ...