The system of ethics in Islam is well-preserved, sound and complete; nothing of it is missing. ...
Originally posted 2020-07-09 19:22:27. English Translation by Editorial Staff It (Islam) is for ...
It is noteworthy that these two prayers are recited by every Muslim frequently before beginning ...
If your mind cannot imagine the creation of a simple thing like computer by itself, how can we ...
If you believe in Islam, there is no reason for not to convert to Islam, because, belief in Isl ...
Sister Maryam belonged to a Hindu family but she never practiced Hinduism strictly. However, sh ...
In this video, a new brother states that during the period of 16 years about 500 people reverte ...
The word Jihad was mentioned in the Glorious Qur’an 41 times but the Rahmah (compassion) was me ...
The Monks of Digambara (or sky-clad) do not wear any clothe while the female priests of the Dig ...
The new Muslims must show determination, courage and bravery to confront hatred, criticism, ins ...
According to her: the Jain Gurus turn into gods and people take them as gods and worship them a ...
Panjab and Haryana do not have Ganges’s water and they have the best crops. Why Ganges is Mata ...
Islamic historical and cultural sources say that the Prophet Adam (peace be upon him) was sent ...
There are some acts connected with the ablution, but are not obligatory, as the Prophet (peace ...
One of the conditions of wudu (ablution) is washing all the parts in close sequence. T ...