The sun, as "Surya Bhagwan" is a God to the Hindus, and as such is worshiped by them along with ...
In fact, the ancient Hindu literature does not have the concept of divorce as well as the Sansk ...
During Hajj, the pilgrims relive the life of Prophet Ibrahim and his son Prophet Ismail (peace ...
If the cow of stone cannot give us the milk, and if the calf of stone cannot suck the milk from ...
The Islamic way of life is a practical one, it is not beyond the human strength, but according ...
The law system of every country has the right of divorce. The option of divorce represents huma ...
Do you think if Hanuman ji and Durga ji have balances in the bank so they can give 10 or 20 tho ...
Any miracle that happens it happens only by the power of Allah the Almighty and His permission. ...
These prayers are spaced fairly evenly throughout the day, so that one is constantly reminded o ...
Islam has prescribed fasting for those who can not marry as fasting makes a person nearer to Hi ...
This video presents a Hindu child who is blind and performs the daily Muslim prayer (Namaz) sin ...
The question is: If the moon, thesun, water and human, etc. were created by God, then why we ne ...
“My whole family now believes in Allah the Almighty and we try to perform the daily five prayer ...
To become Muslim, you have to pronounce the testimony of faith (Shahadah), with sincere heart a ...
I have been treated kindly and with respect in the prison despite the fact that I was a Hindu. ...