Circumcision in Hinduism and Islam: Compared

Circumcision in Hinduism and Islam: Compared

Circumcision is a minor physiological surgery in which, both Muslims and Jews, usually cut off ...

A Blatant Insult to Hindus by a Hindu Pundit

Those who are called Hindus are such lazy, Hindu are such careless, that Hindus never accepted ...

The Pillars of Islamic Faith

Who is God? Is God One or more? Why should we belive in God? Is idol worship logical? Why do so ...

A Grave Danger to the National Unity of India

"We plan to distribute sword to every Hindu during the campaign so that they can protect them f ...

Salahuddin Patel: From Hinduism to a Preacher of Islam

In this video, brother Salahuddin Patel points out that Hinduism is not a single religion, rath ...

Shyam Pratap Singh Gautam a preacher of Islam

My name is Muhammad `Umar Gautam, I got this name when I was 20 years old. My previous name is ...