Marriage in Islam and Hinduism (1/2)

Islam comprises teachings and injections for honoring the woman as a daughter, mother, wife, si ...


The Woman as a Mother: Status & Role

Part of women’s status in Islam is the honor given to the mother…but what’s the nature of that ...

Marriage in Islam and Hinduism (2/2)

It is worth to mention here some hymns that are chanted at the time of marriage contract, which ...

Marriage by Abduction (Rakshasa Vivaha) in Hinduism

Islamic culture has left a significant impact on Indian culture and it reformed many Hindu reli ...

Sexuality in Islam and Hinduism (3/4)

Originally posted 2020-07-09 19:22:42. Definition of adultery in Hinduism  In the part 1st and ...

A widow is throwing her self in the pyre

Sufferings of Widows in Hinduism

A comparison between the two religions, Islam and Hinduism, makes a fair person convinced that ...

Female Child between Islam and Hinduism (2/2)

Preserving human life is among the main five objectives of Islam. ...

Is Your Son Your Ticket to Heaven in Hindusim?

Vedic mantras are not to be recited by women, because women are lacking in strength and knowled ...