Circumcision in Hinduism and Islam: Compared

Circumcision in Hinduism and Islam: Compared

Circumcision is a minor physiological surgery in which, both Muslims and Jews, usually cut off ...

A Blatant Insult to Hindus by a Hindu Pundit

Those who are called Hindus are such lazy, Hindu are such careless, that Hindus never accepted ...

A Grave Danger to the National Unity of India

"We plan to distribute sword to every Hindu during the campaign so that they can protect them f ...

Salahuddin Patel: From Hinduism to a Preacher of Islam

In this video, brother Salahuddin Patel points out that Hinduism is not a single religion, rath ...

Shyam Pratap Singh Gautam a preacher of Islam

My name is Muhammad `Umar Gautam, I got this name when I was 20 years old. My previous name is ...

A Hindu Sadhu in a Masjid

A Hindu Sadhu in a Masjid

The speaker has argued that Hindu scriptures have many references that prohibit sharing one wif ...

Shiv Ling: A Sign of Circumcision in Hinduism

Shiv Ling: A Sign of Circumcision in Hinduism

The Hindus used to practice the tradition of circumcision in ancient times. ...

A Hindu Acharya Pramod Krishnam Talks on Islam

The good qualities of Islam, I would like to tell you, it is not necessary to mention or count ...

How Did a Hindu Brahmin Sister Accept Islam?

Originally posted 2020-07-09 19:24:28. In this video you are going to watch an interesting inte ...

Find Out How Pratab, a Hindu Youth, Accepted Islam

What is the purpose of life? Why are we here? Where are we going? ...

A Muslim Pundit Talks about Hindu Gods

Most of the Hindus imagine Brahma a figure having three faces with white beard with three faces ...

Dharm Yuddh (Holy War) in Hinduism

I receive threats from some Hindus, there were attempts to murder me, it was in Maharashtra, an ...

Intoxicant in Hinduism and Islam (2/2)

This article aims to study the rule of alcohol drugs intoxicant in Islam and the wisdom in proh ...

Intoxicant in Hinduism and Islam (1/2)

One of the characteristics of divine ruling in Islam is that if it comes, there is no place or ...

A Hindu Inspector Praises Islam

The first human-being; his holiness; Adam (peace be upon him) landed on the earth of India firs ...