Hindu holy places are usually located on the banks of rivers, coasts, seashores and mountains. ...
Most of the Hindu festivals include serious deviation in the beliefs and corruptions in the act ...
All these destructive consequences stem from the absence of a clear and definitive ruling in Hi ...
The best moral character melts errors like water, and bad morals spoil man's record as vinegar ...
Morality in Islam addresses every aspect of a Muslim’s life, from greetings to international re ...
Islam commands all kinds of good and forbids all kinds of evil. It encourages good manners and ...
A Muslim can shorten and join two prayers in some cases, such as when he is sick or traveling, ...
The Qur’an is distinct that it was recorded and writhen down whilst Vedas were only transmitted ...
Furthermore, who killed an innocent; who killed an innocent; who killed an innocent; whether, t ...
How great your prophet is! And how lofty his career is! Why have you failed in conveying his gr ...
It is really, appreciated to seize the opportunities of religious festivals to help the, poor, ...
The purity of Islamic festivals, their elevation, their loftiness and their sanctity indicate t ...
Islam is like the rain or rays of the sun or the light of the moon that are common for everyone ...
The first human-being; his holiness; Adam (peace be upon him) landed on the earth of India firs ...